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Learn French with the Library

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You are a foreigner, you don’t speak French and you want to learn?
Perfect! You can do it with the Library!
First, you have to get a library card (valid for one year) and pay the subscription (5 euros if you are students (less than 26 years old), 10 euros if you live in Serris, Chessy, Magny, Bailly or Coupvray, 20 euros if you live in another city). Don’t forget to bring a proof of address!
Once that’s done you can borrow any of the books below! Some include CDs to help. There are methods in English, Spanish or Italian to read and write in French and books to help you pass exams such as the DALF, DELF or the TCF. You can find it all on the second floor of the library in front of the shopping mall in Serris!

If you are more comfortable learning on your computer, you have to log on to our website and click on “Mediatheque à distance”, then “Autoformation à distance”  “Tout apprendre” “se connecter”  “FLE (Apprendre le français)”.
Other options available outside the library :
- Take French classes with the CSI :
- Find a special center or school in France : or
- Listen on your computer French lessons to pass DELF or DALF and evaluate your level on :


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